Retirement – Leap Year

To celebrate the extra day we’re given every four years, here’s what I call The Mental and Physical Fab Four, along with a bit of info of how they play into our daily life.

#1 What’s Eating You?

We know that we should eat nutritious foods and exercise to be healthy. But if you are not getting the essential nutrients your body needs, your body’s ability to function in the way nature intended is limited and in some cases, disabled. If you eat too much or too little, lack of proper nutrition can interfere with the ability to focus and concentrate, and recent research suggests that the risk of dementia can be lessened by diet choices.

  • You are what you eat, so don’t be fast, cheap, easy or fake. Your diet should include beans, fresh fruits (avoid fruit juices), green leafy vegetables and nutrient dense vegetables (e.g. cabbage and broccoli), fatty fish, avocados, peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, garlic and dark chocolate. Eat meat sparingly and in small amounts.

#2 Wet Up

Water is essential to all life forms, and makes up about 60% of the human body. The main reason we need to drink water is to replace body fluids lost through exhaling, sweating and eliminating waste. As we age, the physical sensation of being thirsty can dull, and may not occur often enough to prevent dehydration.

  • Drink ½ your body weight daily in ounces of water to ensure proper hydration. Set a reminder (maybe wear a rubber band around the wrist) to drink water throughout the day.

#3 Sleep Time

Lack of sleep impairs physical and mental function and sufficient sleep boosts your physical and mental functions. Sleep affects growth and stress hormones, the immune system, appetite, breathing, blood pressure and cardiovascular health. On average, adults need 7-8 hours of sleep every night to achieve the maximum restorative benefits of sleep.

  • Go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning.
  • Limit the use of electronics before bed.
  • Relax before bedtime. A warm bath or reading might help.

#4 Work It Out

Our cars and household conveniences have severely limited our physical movement, so that we don’t have to expend great amounts of energy in the performance of daily activities. But this easy life has a dark side, as sitting has more detriment than benefit. Our bodies were made for movement and when we don’t move enough, we pay the consequences in the form of declining physical ability and health. In other words, move it or lose it.

  • Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Start out slowly and add to your exercise regimen over time if you haven’t been physically active for a while. Being sore after exercising usually means that you’ve pushed your body too far,

What Can You Do?

If you’re struggling with a lack of growth and motivation, schedule a complimentary retirement blueprint call today. Discover how to inject purpose and structure into your life to make retirement a time of happiness and freedom. What a great way to start your “Attitude of Gratitude”!

Activist | Advocate | Author
Get Happy Now Coach

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