For many people, the start of a new year is the time for starting something new, setting goals, or eliminating something (or someone) undesirable from their life. Beneath the resolutions is a desire to be happy. That’s the main thing.
Let’s be clear about the main thing. Being happy is a choice – not a goal. As human beings we achieve true happiness when we do something (big or small) that matters and is of benefit to ourselves and/or others. True, lasting happiness comes only from an inner state of being content and satisfied
Here are the keys to achieving happiness:
- You have the freedom to choose your own path in life: Do what matters to you. Your life, your rules.
- Maintain positive relationships with the people in your life. Keep good friends close and make new ones.
- Be content with what you have and with your situation; don’t compare yourself unfavorably to others.
- Maintain a positive attitude. Don’t allow yourself to be upset by the changes that happen in life.
- Be consistent in working toward the goals you set for yourself. Every step counts.
- Prioritize mental and physical fitness to reduce the likelihood of developing illness and to increase the likelihood of being happy.
One last thing . . .
Author & happiness expert Arthur C. Brooks offers these 7 words in the closing chapter of From Strength to Strength that help me maintain my happiness:
- Use things (don’t let them use you)
- Love people (and let them love you)
- Worship the Divine (whatever that means to you).
Happily yours,
Arnette Travis