Attitude: Flip The Switch

Oxford Dictionary defines attitude as a “settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior.

Initially, beliefs, feelings and behaviors are formed and limited to what we experience within our families during the childhood and adolescence periods. As we grow and engage with people outside the family circle, we are exposed to new belief systems and experiences that can influence and change our attitude.

If, as an adult, you blame or hold others responsible for the way you think, feel, act or react; you are mistaken. The sole responsibility for your attitude and behavior, sits squarely on your shoulders. By adopting the adage ‘When you know better, you do better,’ you can change your attitude to one that is positive and beneficial to you and the world around you.

Norman Vincent Peale’s 1952 book, The Power of Positive Thinking remains one of the best selling non-fiction books of all time. In it, Peale states “Our happiness depends on the habit of mind we cultivate.” In other words, our attitude.

The benefits of a positive attitude are endless. A positive mindset is not only beneficial to you, it also benefits those close to you and society as a whole. Your positive thinking is what psychologists refer to as a “broaden and build theory”, where you create an open-minded mentality that can lead you to learn something new, develop a new skill or cultivate a new friendship.

  • People who practice positive thinking tend to live healthier lifestyles. They tend to get more exercise, eat a healthy diet, and get enough sleep.
  • Positive thinking can impact your stress level. Prolonged stress can have a harmful effect on the body; reducing stress can lead to better overall health.
  • The practice of an attitude of gratitude is the best boost we can give ourselves. It enables us to focus on the good in our lives, and a positive mindset leads to positive behaviors.
  • Develop your positive thinking practice by writing down positive affirmations, and post them where you see them when you awake in the morning. Daily repetition of these affirmations will reinforce your positive attitude.

Flip the switch!.

You can’t change what happens; but you can control how you think, feel and react to what happens; which leads to your control of the outcome.

Happily yours,

Arnette Travis

Activist | Advocate | Author
Get Happy Now Coach

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